“When you dig to the bottom of it,” climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe says, “the problem many people have with climate change is not with the science. The problem is that people believe climate change is not consistent with their ideological values, political values, or faith values.” Read more of Hayhoe’s perspectives in this article. (Photo: […]
Serving God, Saving the Planet Film Series & Study
Blessed Earth and Dr. Matthew Sleeth offer a twelve-part study series with two films “Hope for Creation” and “Hope for Humanity” designed to help disciples dig deeply into issues of creation care. Check it out here. (Photo: Michael 1952, Creative Commons)
Live More with Less in 2015
An ever increasing number of people are choosing to live with fewer possessions and as a result are experiencing a better quality of life. Read about the new minimalists, gather some ideas, and use what fits your context to be a better steward of all of God’s creation in 2015. (Photo: storebukkebruse, Creative Commons)
Resolve to be Green in 2015
Creation care doesn’t have to be difficult. Here are five simple ways you can do a better job of caring for the earth. A little bit of effort goes a long way! (Photo Steve Snodgrass, Creative Commons)
When Creation Runs a Fever
Climate scientist and evangelical Christian Katherine Hayhoe discusses climate change, why our faith demands action, and the reasons why we must move beyond politics and ideological arguments in this recent interview with Ann Neumann in Guernica. (Photo: John LeGear, Creative Commons)
Host a Cool Climate Potluck in your Congregation
Here’s a wonderful toolkit from Interfaith Power and Light designed to help you start or continue a conversation about healthy food choices, environmental stewardship, and climate. The kit provides all you need to host your own event. (Photo: gina pina, Creative Commons)
Harvest Liturgy
Harvest time is in full swing in the many parts of the northern hemisphere. If you’re planning a Harvest Sunday, here’s an almost complete liturgy from the “parishLife” blog of Simon Rundell, rector and author. Be sure to check out his other work whilst you’re there. (Photo: Herry Lawford, Creative Commons)
A Conversation with Wendell Berry
Watch the 2013 Chubb Lecture at Yale University, A Conversation with Wendell Berry, posted on the website of the Forum on Religion and Ecology at Yale. While you’re there check out the many other resources available on this website. (Photo: Center for Interfaith Relations, Creative Commons)
A Debt of Love and Loving Covenant
Lectionary Reflections for Sunday, September 7, 2014
Whether you’re looking at love and reconciliation with the RCL lessons or God’s covenant with Noah and all creation, we have sermon starters, worship ideas, and suggestions for time with youth and children. Beginning this week, we’ll be looking at both the Revised Common and Narrative Lectionaries. (Photo: Marcelino Repayla Jr., Creative Commons)
Seminary Garden Feeds Body, Mind, & Spirit
Asbury Theological Seminary’s community garden is doing much more than feeding students. It’s become an important educational tool that includes a prayer garden, fire pit, preaching amphitheater, and nature path. (Photo: seminaryalliance.org)