Lectionary Reflection for the 26th Sunday after Pentecost November 17, 2013 Brothers and sisters, do not be weary in doing what is right. 2 Thessalonians 3:13 Doing the right thing can be tough–tough to discern, tough to put into practice, and tough practice consistently. Staying the course and using critical thinking to discern the right […]
Simplicity: A Better Normal?
Some may say simplicity is becoming the new normal–the way we must live to ensure a future for those who will come after us and for our entire planet. Another way to look at simplicity is as a “better” normal, as a way to sustain health, well-being, and community. Click here to Read Duane Elgin’s […]
Pester, Pester, Pester
Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost YR C Lectionary Reflection
October 20, 2013
According to Jesus it’s perfectly o.k. to pester the powers that oppose the reign of God and justice for all of creation. We can do this knowing that it is God’s nature to give, love, and care for us. We are not alone…so go ahead and pester, pester, pester for the sake of the gospel. (Photo: Caelie Frampton, Creative Commons)
A Recipe for Community
Some of these “ingredients” may seem like “no-brainers” to you, but author Linda Buzzell does an excellent job of outlining a strategy for community building that is applicable to faith communities and non-profits. (Photo: NAIT, Creative Commons)
First (and always)–Give Thanks
Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost Lectionary Reflection, Year C
October 13, 2013
One of the greatest gifts we can give to each other in Christian community is that of helping one another cultivate a spirit of gratitude. If we do this, the glad hearts and generous spirits will follow. Saying “Thank you, Jesus” is enough, but it’s only the beginning.
True Wealth
Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost Lectionary Reflection, Year C
September 29, 2013
There’s really no way to skirt the issue of wealth, poverty, and economic justice woven throughout this week’s lessons. Here are some thoughts and ideas to help you explore the issues faithfully in preaching, worship, teaching, and with children and youth. (Photo: Cea, Creative Commons. Thanks!)
Really, Jesus?
Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost, Year C, September 8, 2013
Surely Jesus is kidding, right? What’s all this talk about hating family, carrying crosses, and giving up possessions? Discipleship can’t be that hard, can it? Maybe it’s time we stopped skirting the issue and started living with the questions. (Photo: Tsahi Levent-Levi, Creative Commons)
Invited and Inviting
Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost Lectionary Reflection, Year C
September 1, 2013
Showing up, sitting down, and sharing our abundant blessings is the kind of banquet Jesus is talking about. Every place is a place of honor in God’s economy, and the “grace list” includes all of us. That’s good news indeed! (Photo: Elin B., Creative Commons)
What Better Day for Freedom?
14th Sunday after Pentecost, Year C, August 25, 2013
The Sabbath is designed to free us–both for praise and worship and from the workaday world–and Jesus models sabbath-keeping in a way that we can learn from and apply to our 21st century contexts. Read on for ideas for worship, and time with youth and children. Blessings on your preparation. (Photo: Janis K, Creative Commons)
The Messy Work of Neighboring
Eighth Sunday after Pentecost Lectionary Reflection, Year C
July 14, 2013
Loving your neighbor can be messy business, but it’s what Jesus calls us to do. How will you send the community out to “go and do likewise”? (Photo: Frame It Photography)
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