The money game in churches has changed dramatically in just a generation, so wise leaders need to know the new “rules” to ensure the funding churches need to provide vital ministries to God’s people. From, here are seven principles.
Leaders, Teach and Model Good Stewardship!
How we manage God’s money is a central biblical subject of extreme importance, writes stewardship author Randy Alcorn. Hence, leaders should unapologetically address financial stewardship with the people God calls us to serve. Check out Alcorn’s ideas in (Photo: Deb Nystrom, Creative Commons)
What to do in a Church Money Crunch
A lot of things can happen when a church experiences a money crunch, most of them bad. Can anything good come from a financial crisis? It depends on how you handle it. Good advice from (Photo: Kat, Creative Commons)
10 Questions First-Time Visitors Are Asking
For most of us walking into the sanctuary on Sunday morning is as familiar as walking into our living room. But it’s not that way for many of our congregations’ first-time visitors. The more you can anticipate visitors questions, the better the chances that your first-time visitors won’t be your last-time visitors. From (Photo […]
“This Will NEVER Work”— Why Congregations Resist Change (and How to Respond)
Every congregational leader has had this experience: A well-presented great idea — bold, creative, innovative and missional — is met with a tsunami of resistance. This article from talks about the top pretexts for resistance and how to handle them.
10 Keys to Being a Healthy Pastor
Healthy pastors lead healthy churches, but we all know that some pastors do not take the time or effort that can optimize their wellbeing. Here are some keys to being a healthy pastor. How many can you begin working on this week? From (Photo by Joshua Smith, used by Creative Commons license)
How To Ensure Easter Visitors Don’t Come Back
It’s hard for regular churchgoers when Easter arrives and the church is crowded with all those pesky “Creasters” — folks who come only on Christmas and Easter — as well as the curious visitors. Here, from, are 12 ways to make sure those heathens never come back. (Photo © Winston Health, used by Creative Commons […]
Now We’re Cooking: Is Your Church a Microwave or Crock-Pot?
The comparison between microwaves and Crock-Pots can teach us a lot about ministry and church growth. Specifically, do you want to have a “Microwave Ministry” or a “Crock-Pot Church”? Microwaves are good for a lot of things, chiefly convenience. If we are going to have churches that are healthy, growing, vital and reaching God’s people, we need to resist “microwave” solutions and aim for “crock-pot” solutions. (Photo by Alex Schultz, used by Creative Commons license. Thanks!)
Shave 10 Hours from Your Ministry Workweek
Ministers are notoriously overburdened, but handling our load may be hampered by ingrained work habits that do not serve us well. In this article Michael Hyatt, Chairman of Thomas Nelson Publishers, explains how he gets more done in less time by following simple rules for work. (Photo by BinaryApe, used by Creative Commons license. Thanks!)
Bill Hybels: The Work Habits of a Leader
Here is some important leadership advice from the founder and senior pastor of the Willow Creek Community Church. In contrast to what most people think, Hybels says the most important asset is not time, but rather the ability to energize and motivate others. Good watching, from