We do a disservice to the beautiful reality of God’s abundance when we reduce stewardship to fundraising. Stewardship is a mindset and a worldview. Leaders can help cast this vision. Church Executive explores. (Photo: Stephen O, Creative Commons)

61 Seminary Ridge, Gettysburg, PA 17325 (717) 334-6286
We do a disservice to the beautiful reality of God’s abundance when we reduce stewardship to fundraising. Stewardship is a mindset and a worldview. Leaders can help cast this vision. Church Executive explores. (Photo: Stephen O, Creative Commons)
The Christian church needs a different kind of leadership to address the daunting social, economic and cultural challenges facing us in the 21st century. Transformational leadership may be one answer. This article from ChurchExective.com provides a brief overview of transformational leadership and how to make it work for your context. (Photo by Alias 0591, used […]
Churches often maintain benevolence funds to assist needy individuals in times of financial crisis. However, these churches may not have enough structure in place to provide essential direction and documentation. Here, from ChurchExecutive.com, are some helpful dos and don’ts.
It’s not your grandfather’s world anymore, so why should your church expect your grandfather’s capital campaign to work? From ChurchExecuive here is a snappy rundown of seven trends that impact congregational capital campaigns. (Photo by Stephen Yeargin, used by Creative Commons license. Thanks!)