As North Americans, we live in a money-crazed culture, filled with contradictory messages about wealth and human value — even in church, from pastors, preachers and biblical interpreters. What’s a faithful Christian to think ? This insightful article from Christianity Today may help navigate the choppy waters with a look at some of the most […]
The Christian and Money
Western culture is saturated with money — far more than any other culture in history, and certainly much more than the people who heard Jesus. Struggling to walk faithfully in this wealth-marinated environment, modern Christians have found some distinct and different paths. This article from ChristianityToday looks at some of them, including the “Simple Living” and […]
Know Your Congregation’s Unique Money Style
Every congregation has its own attitudes, ideas, understandings and suppositions about how church money should be gathered, counted and spent. You could call it their money style. Knowing their money style will enable a wise leader to set effective policies and procedures to keep tabs on the finances. This article from ChistianityToday looks at four typical church […]
Talk About Money in Your Church
Stewardship is the great “Silent Subject” in many churches. There is very little teaching from the pulpit, and when stewardship is mentioned, it is a code word for giving. Very few churches provide training on how to implement biblical principles into one’s daily financial life. Yet there are profound practical and spiritual reasons why the […]
The Work of the Week
There’s a distinction between what pastors do on Sundays and what we do between Sundays. What we do on Sundays has not really changed through the centuries: proclaiming the gospel, teaching Scripture, celebrating the sacraments, offering prayers. But the work between Sundays has changed radically, and it has not been a development but a defection. (Photo by Grublee, via
Is it Robbing God to Tithe on Your Net Income?
It’s the question you frequently hear about tithing — do you base it on gross income? Or after-tax income? This feature presents different viewpoints from three writers — Frederica Mathewes-Green, David A. Croteau and Steve Stewart. Which viewpoint resonates with your own view? (Photo: Tax Credits, Creative Commons)
Want to Be Missional in the Way of Jesus?—Avoid These 5 Mistakes
The term “missional” describes the activity of God’s people in the world for God’s mission. But now the word has taken on broad meanings by such diverse and often contradictory voices that, to some, “missional” has become virtually meaningless, argues ChristianityToday blogger Ed Stetzer. (Photo by Randy OHC, used by Creative Commons license)
The Delicious Invitation to Rest
“Sabbath is the day that I cease to see myself as a tool of production. And blissfully, I recover the scale and proportion of my life, even my own self,” writes Jen Pollock Mechel, in a guest blog on It’s a good read for all of us who think we’re too busy. (Photo by […]
Book Review: ‘Gratitude’ by Peter Leithart
Peter Leithart’s new book, titled simply Gratitude: An Intellectual History, takes a sweeping look at gift-giving from ancient to modern times, with particular emphasis on how Christ changed — and continues to influence — the culture and customs surround gifts. Review from (Photo by Tiger Girl, used by Creative Commons license)
Free or Low-cost Getaways for Pastors
Leading a church is hard, hard work! Check out this list of great inexpensive or free places for pastors to go to relax. Compiled by blogger Ed Stetzer. Thanks, Ed! (Photo by Mike Prosser, used by Creative Commons license. Thanks! )