Nancy Sleeth of Blessed Earth, provides helpful talking points to engage in meaningful dialogue with Christians who don’t believe in a biblical imperative for creation care. “We focus on the biblical call to be wise stewards of God’s gifts—a value we share. Rather than getting polarized by politics, we look for common ground,” she says. (Photo: Bark, […]
Christians Can’t Ignore the Environment
Believing that we are facing the end of days, too many Christians figure it’s a waste of time to care for the environment. If the end is coming, they argue, what’s the point in preserving the planet for future generations? Nancy Sleeth of has talked with Christians who use this and other excuses for ignoring the […]
Creation Care for Children
Blessed Earth offers a great list of resources for lessons, activities, and books to teach children about creation care. You’re sure to find something useful! (Photo: d-olwen-dee, creative commons)
Good Steward Worksheet
Here’s a helpful tool from the folks at–a worksheet for daily, monthly, and yearly covenant activities for better stewardship. Permission is given to reprint for your use in the congregation. (Photo: IFPL, Creative Commons)
Serving God, Saving the Planet Film Series & Study
Blessed Earth and Dr. Matthew Sleeth offer a twelve-part study series with two films “Hope for Creation” and “Hope for Humanity” designed to help disciples dig deeply into issues of creation care. Check it out here. (Photo: Michael 1952, Creative Commons)