Most of us think about greed as a problem for the super-rich, but it’s actually a pervasive, universal human sin. This Bible study from does an excellent job of describing the perils – and remedies – for greed. (Photo: Creative Commons)

61 Seminary Ridge, Gettysburg, PA 17325 (717) 334-6286
Most of us think about greed as a problem for the super-rich, but it’s actually a pervasive, universal human sin. This Bible study from does an excellent job of describing the perils – and remedies – for greed. (Photo: Creative Commons)
In a culture where Sundays have become just like our busy weekend Saturday, it’s important to remember that keeping the Sabbath day holy is not just a good tip for your mental and physical health, it’s a commandment — one of the Big Ten! Make it a part of your 2018 Christian education plan to […]