RCL reflection for Baptism of Our Lord Sunday, Jan. 12, 2025. Many Christians mistakenly think of the Holy Trinity in hierarchical terms: God at the top, Jesus in the middle and the Holy Spirit in the bottom. This Sunday’s lessons (as all of Lectionary Year C) offer a great opportunity to lift up the work of the Holy Spirit and fire in our faith journeys.
Remember your baptism – and live it!
Lectionary Reflection, Baptism of our Lord Sunday, January 9, 2021
How will you remember your baptism on this day? How will you help other Christians remember and celebrate their baptism? What can we do to encourage one another to live our baptism each and every day? (Photo by auntjojo. Thanks!)
Listening to God
RCL reflection, Baptism of our Lord, Year C, Jan. 13, 2019
This Sunday may be a good opportunity to explore the gift of baptism not so much as a remembrance but rather as an opportunity to listen to God. What makes it difficult to listen to God in our 21st century world? What gets in the way? (Photo: vncepal, Creative Commons)
Lament, Repent, Relent
Lectionary Reflection for the Baptism of our Lord, Year C, January 10, 2016
This Sunday’s lessons, combined with recent events, offers preachers and teachers a real opportunity to “wade deeper” into the waters of our baptismal identity. We also have ideas for time with children and youth. (Photo: THX0477, Creative Commons)
Remember Your Baptism & Live It
Lectionary Reflection for The Baptism of our Lord, January 13, 2013
How will you remember your baptism on this day? How will you help other Christians remember and celebrate their baptism? What can we do to encourage one another to live our baptism each and every day? (Photo by auntjojo. Thanks!)