Revised Common Lectionary Reflection for All Saints Sunday Year A, November 1, 2020
Whatever style of worship or contextual situation wherein you find yourself, let’s make this Sunday one to remember our better angels, to give thanks for the faithful witness of so many people across time and space, and to focus on the radical and inclusive nature of God’s love for us. We need calm and healing in this crazy time. (Photo: Dilan Bozyel, Creative Commons)
For All the Everyday Saints and Sinners
RCL Reflection, All Saints Sunday and the 22nd Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 26, Year A, November 5, 2017
We, dear friends, are God’s children, and this is very good news indeed. John reminds us of this fact in this week’s epistle reading from 1 John. We are loved, we are called children of God, and even though we may not fully comprehend what it means to be part of that great communion and never-ending story, we are nonetheless included. Our very calling as Christians is to reflect God’s great love–not our own pitiable attempts at goodness–so that the world may see God. Celebrate all the saints of all times and places this week, and give thanks to God for the saints who have gone before. (Photo: Magic Madzik, Creative Commons)
A Day for Hope and Rejoicing?
All Saints Sunday, Year A, November 2, 2014
All Saints Sunday is truly a day where the church can shout “Amen,” live in abundant hope, and rejoice prodigally. Such rejoicing is an act of defiance in the face of the powers of death and darkness and an affirmation of our Lord’s promises and teachings. (Photo: Beatrice Murch, Creative Commons)