RCL Reflection for Easter Sunday, Year A, April 12, 2020
This year’s Resurrection celebration is going to look a little different, but it doesn’t have to be any less meaningful. In fact, with Mark’s account we can also honor our own feelings of fear, confusion, and terror in these unsettling days. (Photo: Pedro-Ribeiro-Simões, Creative Commons)
Jesus H2O
RCL Reflection, Baptism of the Lord, Year A, January 12, 2020
Without water there is no lasting life on this earth. Christ, in his baptism, shows us what is fitting and proper, sort of a Jesus H2O, if you will. After all, human beings are about 66% water, and 70% of the human brain is water. Make this a day to celebrate baptism and walk wet into the world. (Photo: Dmitry Kichenko, Creative Commons)
Reliable Witnesses?
RCL Reflection, Resurrection of our Lord, Year C, April 21, 2019
I wonder…what witnesses to the gospel would be deemed unreliable today? Will we be like Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary, and the other women who were perplexed by what they found yet willing to tell and live into the story anyway? (Photo: TED, Creative Commons)
Of Fear and Foolishness
RCL Reflection, Easter Sunday, Year B, April 1, 2018
Even though this Easter falls on April Fool’s Day, the joke’s not on us. The joke’s on death and the powers of darkness. Ditch your fear, holy fools, and let the living, loving, and telling begin. Christ has died. Christ is risen! Christ will come again! (Photo: Trishhhh, Creative Commons)
Don’t Be Afraid; Be Sent!
RCL Reflection for the Resurrection of our Lord, Year A, April 16, 2017
Jesus’ words to his first evangelists–the women–and his first disciples are equally applicable to us today. We are not to hide our light under a basket. We are not to lock our faith away in fear. We are to go. We are to tell. We are to be Christ’s witnesses sent out of our sanctuaries and comfort zones into the hustle of the marketplace and bustle of the world. (Photo: TED, Creative Commons)
Walk Wet and Share the Good News
Baptism of our Lord, Year A, January 8, 2017
This week’s gospel is a great springboard to remember and give thanks for your baptism, but don’t stop there! We have good news to share as we walk wet in this world. (Photo: Adam Witwer, Creative Commons)
It’s About Time—Sort Of
Lectionary Reflection for the Resurrection of our Lord, Year A, April 20, 2014
Jesus’ simple instructions to the women provide clear direction for us today. There’s no time like this present festival day to go and tell the good news. (Photo: dmitry b., Creative Commons)
A Discipleship Elevator Speech?
Lectionary Reflection for the Baptism of our Lord Year A
January 12, 2013
Yes, today we remember Jesus’ baptism and our own, but don’t stop there. We have work to do, and a story to tell. (Photo: bterrycompton, Creative Commons)
Here, There, & Everywhere: Jesus is Risen!
Easter is an important day in the life of the church, but how does the rest of the world see it? As an “idle tale”? Maybe we all need to look at Easter through a new lens.