RCL Reflection, 2nd Sunday after the Epiphany, Year B, Jan. 14, 2024.
Will visitors to your congregation find Jesus reflected in the lives and witness of his people? Will they feel the Spirit, hear the Word taught and proclaimed in fresh and real ways? Are you ready to say “Come and see” Jesus? The Rev. Sharron Blezard explores. (Photo: University of Oregon, Creative Commons)
Who are you following?
RCL Reflection for the Second Sunday after the Epiphany Year B,
January 17, 2021
Jesus calls: “Follow me.” He meets us where we are, but this is not where the Christ expects us to stay. Folks, faithful discipleship is hard work. We have to keep Jesus front and center every day of the week and every hour of the day. We have to go wherever Jesus leads, 24/7. (Photo: TeeCee, Creative Commons)
Come and See Jesus — for Real!
RCL Reflection, 2nd Sunday after the Epiphany, Year B, Jan. 14, 2018
What will people see when invited to your your congregation? Will they find Jesus reflected in the lives and witness of his people, or will they see only threadbare and outdated furnishings and somber folk? Will they feel the Spirit, hear the Word taught and proclaimed in fresh and real ways, and encounter Christ? Are you ready to say “Come and see?” (Photo: Wendi Kelly, Creative Commons)
The Call
Lectionary Reflection for the Second Sunday after Epiphany January 18, 2015
What about your call? When did you fir st hear, or feel, or sense a call to follow Jesus? However and whenever it happened, Jesus reached right across time, space, and eternity to make himself real to you in some form or fashion.to name and claim you as his own. So now what? Read on! (Photo: Moritz Haase, Creative Commons)