RCL Lectionary Reflection, Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany, Year A, February 2, 2020
Have you ever considered yourself to be a fool for Christ? If you haven’t, why not let this Sunday’s lessons guide you into some holy foolishness for the sake of the gospel? Blessings on your faithful (and hopefully somewhat foolish) preaching and teaching! (Photo: Susan Murtaugh, Creative Commons)
We are Called
Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany, Year A, January 29, 2017.
God’s faithful and generous people are called to follow and serve. We may feel like we are ill-equipped or not “enough” to respond to God’s call, but in this week’s lessons we hear affirmation that God requires simple yet profound action and calls everyone to use his or her gifts and talents in the process. (Photo: gilliu00, Creative Commons)
Consider Your Own Call
Lectionary Reflection for the 4th Sunday after Epiphany, Year A
February 2, 2014
This week’s lectionary lessons invite us to ponder what it means to be disciples, called to love and serve God and others. Our calling is not one to which most of the world aspires, but it is exactly in pursuing what the world deems foolish that we find our meaning and our salvation. (Photo: Aaron Geller, Creative Commons)