To teach young children as well as help them stay occupied in church, a creative pastor created an “I Spy” bingo card to encourage them to identify items around the sanctuary. Learn how! Post from Building Faith includes a link to a template. From Building Faith. (Photo: Creative Commons)
Teaching generosity is a cure for the ‘gimmes’
With advertisers doing their best to convince our kids that they “have to have” the latest Christmas toy, it’s tough for parents to teach about wants vs. needs. But has some ideas. (Photo: Neeta Lind, Creative Commons)
How to teach children about generosity
The Bible talks about extensively about generosity, so it’s important that we help our children understand generosity as we pass the faith along to them. This report from suggests how parents and church leaders can team up.
Top 2023 choices for VBS and summer camp
Looking for a good Vacation Bible School program this summer? Or summer camp curriculum? Building Faith, a ministry of Virginia Theological Seminary, offers some recommendations. (Photo: Richard Wagoner, Creative Commons)
Teach your Sunday school about being a steward
Here’s a lesson plan to help children understand about stewardship and giving. It explores the issue through the parable of the talents and servants (Matthew 25:14-30). From Ministry to Children. ((Photo: Richard Masoner, Creative Commons)
Plan a creation-care pilgrimage for youth
You don’t need to travel to Greenland or the Amazon for a great Creation-Care Pilgrimage. Look around and you can probably find one within easy driving distance. reports. (Photo: Tirachard Kumtanom, Pexels)
Develop a generous spirit within your family
Unless families model and teach generosity in the home, our children may learn toxic ideas about sharing and giving. How can families be intentional about generosity? Here are 10 ways. (Photo: Neeta Lind, Creative Commons)
‘Heart of Giving’ teaches kids about generosity
When planning your children’s Sunday school lessons for the 2021-22 school year, be sure to include a class on generosity! This “Heart of Giving” lesson from looks at two people in Mark’s Gospel with very different attitudes towards money. (Photo: Kathie Luther, Creative Commons)
Craft ideas to teach about giving and stewardship
Whether it’s Sunday school for when we get back to church or activities to do with your children while they are sheltering with you at home, these crafts ideas will help them learn about giving and stewardship. Video and PDF instructions, from Ministry-to-children. (Photo: Stephen Depolo, Creatve Commons)
Teaching youth about Sabbath
Young people struggle to understand the concept of Sabbath, in part because adults model busyness, says Pastor Nathan Stuckey, author of Wrestling With Rest: Inviting Youth to Discover the Gift of Sabbath. Stucky addresses the importance of modeling and teaching Sabbath to youth. From Faith and Leadership. (Photo: Yasan Hassan, Creative Commons)