Why think of a 1970s horror film at Easter? We need to take a close look at how we script this story, especially for those who haven’t experienced the radical love and grace of our amazing God.

61 Seminary Ridge, Gettysburg, PA 17325 (717) 334-6286
Why think of a 1970s horror film at Easter? We need to take a close look at how we script this story, especially for those who haven’t experienced the radical love and grace of our amazing God.
The story of Christ’s passion is compelling, but all too often we hear it as just that—a story told on the Sunday before Easter, a mere blip on life’s radar screen somewhere between the hosannas and the Easter lamb with mint jelly. This year, make a dramatic improvement.
Even though we’re still very much a consumer culture, nowadays it’s cool to recycle, reuse and re-value stuff others might throw away. Jesus did that with people. Jesus saw worth in everyone. He knew the truth that God created everything good. Of course quite predictably, he encountered resistance from members of polite society.
20th Sunday after Pentecost Lectionary Reflection, October 18,2009
As stewards of the gospel we are called to drink from Jesus’ cup and walk wet in the waters of his baptism. Those who put this cup to their lips will know suffering; their eyes will be opened to see the world through Jesus’ eyes. Do we dare wish this? (Photo by LifeSuperCharger. Thanks!)
Lectionary Reflection for January 26, 2009
We are called to step out of our pews, to pull away from the comfort and safety of our warm homes, and to confront a world of pain and suffering. As disciples of Christ and stewards of the good news, our course is set.
Lectionary Reflection for January 19, 2009
Jesus is good at meeting us and connecting with us in our own little corner of the universe. If we are open to his presence in our lives, we may find ourselves undertaking an amazing journey for a higher purpose.
Lectionary Reflection for January 12, 2009
I wonder if Jesus came into our houses of worship today and issued the call to follow would he find any takers?
Lectionary Reflection: January 5, 2009
For Jesus baptismal identity meant a journey to the cross and not just a Kodak moment. How are you called to be a steward of your baptismal identity, and what does that mean for each moment of your life?
Lectionary Reflection: December 15, 2008
How can a tiny, ethnic refugee baby compete with all the trimmings of an American holiday?
Lectionary Reflection: December 8, 2008
Take a deep breath, silence the carols and the movies, step out of the kitchen, put down that list of things to buy and do, and turn to the 61st chapter of Isaiah.