Lectionary Reflection for Sunday, June 6, 2010
Second Sunday after Pentecost Year C
How about taking a slightly different approach to this week’s texts? Consider as the key point that God does provide and mercy has a face–yours.

61 Seminary Ridge, Gettysburg, PA 17325 (717) 334-6286
Lectionary Reflection for Sunday, June 6, 2010
Second Sunday after Pentecost Year C
How about taking a slightly different approach to this week’s texts? Consider as the key point that God does provide and mercy has a face–yours.
Trinity Sunday, Year C
Finding an image to communicate the mystery of the Holy Trinity is a daunting task, and one that will never yield a perfect result. However, this writer gives it one more stab, borrowing an image from the actor’s toolkit.
By the Rev. Dr. Susan K. Hedahl
Before public proclamation, it is necessary to ask: Where have we been? As a congregation, what gifts do we already employ for ourselves and others? Where do we hope to be in the months, the years ahead? Which resources do we need to consider, expand, develop?
Lectionary Reflection for May 23
Ask your average mainline Christian what Pentecost is all about, and you’re likely to hear everything from “I don’t know” to “We all wear red.” Worship leaders, preachers, and Christian educators should give careful thought to this important day.
Seventh Sunday of Easter, Year C
This week’s texts speak of unity in Christ and living water freely given to all who are thirsty. Christians today have the opportunity both to point to the Living Water and to see that all of God’s children have access to clean water. Share the good news, and give so that others may live.
Sixth Sunday of Easter, Year C
Jesus promised that “we will come and make our home with them.” When God moves into the neighborhood things are bound to change. That means it’s time to meet the neighbors and build some community.
It’s easy to be a concealed Christian, an undercover lover, loving in ways that are comfortable for you and for me. It’s easy to sing the old hymn “I love to tell the Story” when everyone else knows the story and lukewarm is the temperature of the day. Jesus asks—no commands—more of his disciples.
Oh my! How we long for everything in life to be made plain to us. Not very many people I know actually enjoy living in the tension of ambiguity and the unknown or unseen. Most folks prefer a world of clear blacks and whites to mottled grays and muddy waters. Unfortunately, we often like our theology like that, too
In this week’s assigned Gospel reading, Jesus asked Peter three times if Peter loved him. Jesus’s responses to Peter’s affirmations tell a lot about the path of discipleship Jesus asks us to walk.
Christianity loses much whenever we who claim Christ are afraid to live in the tension of those details concerning our faith that remain in painted in broad strokes of varying shades of gray. I hear my Lord saying that it is okay not to have all the answers.