Lectionary Reflection for the 20th Sunday after Pentecost, Year C, October 2, 2016
This week’s gospel and epistle lesson provide important instruction about being stewards of the very faith we name, claim, and live. It doesn’t get much more basic than that, and this is some very good news. (Photo: Rex Regum, Creative Commons)
Take Hold of Real Life
Lectionary Reflection for the 19th Sunday after Pentecost, Year C, September 25, 2016
Wait! Where’s the good news? How is this parable about a great chasm and Hades and suffering good news? Where’s the hope in this passage? Paul had a few ideas to share with Timothy, and we can learn from them, too. (Photo: Nosha, Creative Commons)
Healthy Talk about Stewardship
It’s not hard to understand why talk about money and giving might make a congregation uncomfortable, and maybe even guilty and resentful. So how do we move to healthy ways of talking and preaching about money in our churches? This post from The Episcopal Network for Stewardship has some great ideas. (Photo: Fallonyates, Creative Commons)
Calling All Prayerful Peacemakers
Lectionary Reflection for the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost, Year C September 18, 2016 The first thing I want you to do is pray. Pray every way you know how, for everyone you know. Pray especially for rulers and their governments to rule well so we can be quietly about our business of living simply, in […]
Losing, Finding & Remembering
Lectionary Reflection for the 17th Sunday after Pentecost, Year C, September 11
To God, we are not expendable. We are of great worth: Worth searching for, worth finding, and worth celebrating. How can we in turn live into these stories of losing, finding, and remembering that counter a disposable culture and honor an enduring God? (Photo: Jim Donnelly, Creative Commons)
Choose Life and Carry On
Lectionary Reflection for the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost, Year C, September 4, 2016
Mama said there’d be days like this. But weeks, or months, or even years and decades? So it goes with life and discipleship. The truth of the matter is that neither life nor discipleship is a guaranteed picnic, cakewalk, or pie-in-the-sky supper club. So take divine advice: choose life and carry on. (Photo: Akuppa John Wigham, Creative Commons)
To Be Continued …
Lectionary Reflection for the 15th Sunday after Pentecost, Year C, August 28, 2016
This week’s lessons provide several lovely opportunities to explore continued growth and development as members of the Body of Christ, that beloved community chock full of sinners and saints known as the church. Dig back into discipleship and faith formation with these themes and instructions. (Photo: Maarten Takens, Creative Commons)
Straighten Up, Steward!
Lectionary Reflection for the 14th Sunday after Pentecost, Year C, August 21, 2016
Sabbath rest strengthens and equips us to help repair the breach that exists between the way of God and the ways of the world. Refreshed we are called to go into the broken places, lay hands on bent people, and help to heal and straighten the world. (Photo: Steve Depolo, Creative Commons)
Controlled Burns & Faithful Forecasting
Lectionary Reflection for the 13th Sunday after Pentecost, Year C, August 14, 2016
Fire has the power to destroy and the power to foster regeneration and new growth. What if we consider Jesus’ fire imagery this week as being that of a controlled burn, a deliberate fire kindled for the purpose of regeneration and new growth? (Photo: US FIsh & Wildlife Service, Creative Commons)
Strangers and Foreigners
Lectionary Reflection for the Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost, Year C, August 7, 2016
Everything in this world is transitory, a part of a larger whole, a dot on the map of eternity, but happy are those who put their faith in God, who are ready to pack their tents and journey on to the final destination God prepares. (Photo: Ben Christenson, Creative Commons)
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