Holy Trinity Sunday, Year B, May 27, 2018
The good news of Holy Trinity Sunday is that we have a highly relational God who desires us to have real life, and have it abundantly. We are, according to Paul, “adopted as God’s children,” no longer slaves destined to be fearful. How much our world needs this message of hope today! Let’s be good stewards and share liberally. (Photo: Larry Koester, Creative Commons)
Holy Chaos!
RCL Reflection, Pentecost Sunday, Year B, May 20, 2018
We are all works in progress, and the Holy Spirit is constantly at work in, with, through, and in spite of us. The Spirit never leaves us, but she sure can shake things up. Get ready for a little chaos my friends, because God’s Spirit is restless and on the loose, both interceding for us and working to usher in Christ’s reign. (Photo: Jacob Spinks, Creative Commons)
The Power of Prayer
RCL Reflection, 7th Sunday of Easter, Year B, May 13, 2018
Prayer works but sometimes our limited human vision can be a stumbling block, as can our fear and concerns about even how we are to pray. In this week’s gospel lesson, we get a glimpse of Jesus praying for his disciples right before he is handed over to death. It is a powerful example of the stewardship of prayer and people. (Photo: Moose 128, Creative Commons)
Laying It All Down
RCL Reflection, 6th Sunday of Easter, Year B, May 6, 2018
This week continues the theme of love as the hallmark of Jesus followers, but we are now called to “lay it all down” for the sake of the love we first experienced in Christ Jesus. The lessons call us to an active faith model: breaking down barriers (Acts 10:47-48) and laying down our very lives for our friends (John 15:12-13).
(Photo: Timetrius, Creative Commons)
Get Up and Go…
RCL Reflection, 5th Sunday of Easter, Year B, April 29, 2018
The good news of Jesus is passed on through our willingness to make time to talk and listen. We may not chase chariots like Philip, but there are plenty of people waiting for us to engage them with the gospel. (Photo: Katrina Montivagrant, Creative Commons)
A Few Choice Words
RCL Reflection, 4th Sunday of Easter, Year B, April 22, 2018
Three simple words, LOVE, GOOD, and JESUS, are woven into our lessons today, and my prayer for you as you preach and teach is that you will weave them in ways that take root in those who hear them. May they be water for thirsty souls, bread for the hungry heart, and wine for the wounded spirit. (Photo: Jeff Djevdet, Creative Commons)
A Mind-Opening Experience
RCL Reflection, 3rd Sunday of Easter, Year B, April 15, 2018
When was the last time you had your mind opened up and blown away by the gospel? Let this week’s lessons lead you to deeper encounters with Jesus in scripture, worship, and world. Gather at the table. Create community. Be amazed at how God will work in, through, and with (and maybe even in spite of) you. (Photo: Stan Dominguez, Creative Commons)
Finding Unity in Christ
RCL Reflection, 2nd Sunday of Easter, Year B, April 8, 2018
This week’s lessons provide a perfect opportunity to preach and teach about unity. Because there is so much distrust, disparity, injustice, sorting, and factions, we need the light of Christ more than ever. There is no better time to work for unity than right now. (Photo: Thomas Kohler)
Of Fear and Foolishness
RCL Reflection, Easter Sunday, Year B, April 1, 2018
Even though this Easter falls on April Fool’s Day, the joke’s not on us. The joke’s on death and the powers of darkness. Ditch your fear, holy fools, and let the living, loving, and telling begin. Christ has died. Christ is risen! Christ will come again! (Photo: Trishhhh, Creative Commons)
Lavish Love and Costly Stewardship
RCL Reflection, Palm/Passion Sunday Year B, March 25, 2018
The liturgy for this Sunday does not leave much room for a lengthy sermon, so why not consider a short exploration on the unnamed woman’s act of pouring out costly ointment on Jesus’ head was a lavish act of love and radical stewardship. How do we today show our love for Jesus. (Photo: Bible Museum, Creative Commons License)
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