RCL Reflection for Second Sunday of Easter, Year A. April 16, 2023.
The story of “Doubting Thomas,” presents preaching possibilities of how Jesus grows us as disciples. Timothy Siburg explores. (Image: Detail, “Doubting Thomas” by Caravaggio)

61 Seminary Ridge, Gettysburg, PA 17325 (717) 334-6286
RCL Reflection for Second Sunday of Easter, Year A. April 16, 2023.
The story of “Doubting Thomas,” presents preaching possibilities of how Jesus grows us as disciples. Timothy Siburg explores. (Image: Detail, “Doubting Thomas” by Caravaggio)
RCL Reflection, Easter Sunday, Year A. April 9, 2023
Each Gospel writer has a unique take on the resurrection story, but Matthew’s would take the Oscar for most dramatic. His detailed account offers plenty of preaching points. The Rev. Elisabeth Hartwell explores.
RCL Reflection, Palm/Passion Sunday, Year A, April 2, 2023
Along with suggestions for your Palm/Passion Sunday worship and ideas for youth and children, we bring a message for all who serve and lead God’s people in worship. (Photo: Ian Stannard, Creative Commons)
RCL Reflection, 5th Sunday in Lent, Year A. March 26, 2023
So many preaching points arise from the long pericope of Jesus’ raising Lazarus from the dead. Explore themes of death and new life in Christ. Elisabeth Hartwell explores.
RCL Reflection, Fourth Sunday in Lent, March 19, 2023.
Who sees and who doesn’t is explored in this week’s Gospel lesson. Through Jesus’ interaction with the man born blind we see the folly of refusing to “see” things, instead making assumptions. Joel Bergeland explores.
RCL Reflection, 3rd Sunday in Lent, Year A. March 12, 2023.
This is a good Sunday to remember our watery baptism as well as our universal thirst for water, both earthly and spiritual. Our responsibility as God’s people is to bring that water to a parched and thirsty world. Elaine Ramshaw explores. (Photo: Rodnae Productions, via Pexels)
RCL Reflection, Second Sunday in Lent, Year A. March 5, 2023. In favoring Abraham, God declares he is blessed to be a blessing for others. That’s a wonderful starting point to talk about how we use all that God entrusts to us to bless others. Mary Simonson Clark explores. (Photo: twodolla, Creative Commons)
Lectionary Reflection, First Sunday in Lent, Year A. February 26, 2023.
Our Lord faced the tests and temptations of the evil one, and so do we. What can we learn from Jesus’ wilderness experience that will help us to be more faithful disciples? The Rev. Sharron Blezard explores. (Photo: out0fwave, Creative Commons)
RCL reflection, Transfiguration Sunday, Year A. February 19, 2023.
Who is Jesus? Is he the dusty, wandering rabbi, or is he the divine messiah, God’s son? He’s both, and more. What we “see” often depends on our perspective and life circumstances. (Photo: Duane Mendes, via Pexels)
RCL reflection, Sixth Sunday after Epiphany, Year A. February 12, 2023
A theme runs through this week’s Scripture readings: God calls us to be stewards of our lives in ways that love God and our neighbors. Mary Simonson Clark explores. (Photo: John Taylor, Creative Commons)