RCL Reflection, Proper 8A, July 2, 2023.
What does it mean to be a welcoming church? Really? And how many of our congregations give a welcome worthy of the Gospel? Elisabeth Hartwell explores. (Photo: Dru Broomfield, Creative Commons)

61 Seminary Ridge, Gettysburg, PA 17325 (717) 334-6286
RCL Reflection, Proper 8A, July 2, 2023.
What does it mean to be a welcoming church? Really? And how many of our congregations give a welcome worthy of the Gospel? Elisabeth Hartwell explores. (Photo: Dru Broomfield, Creative Commons)
RCL Reflection, Proper 7, Year A, June 25, 2023. This week’s readings invite us to think about matters of life and death — particularly the promise of new life that we receive in baptism through Jesus. Deacon Timothy Siburg explores. (Photo: Creative Commons)
RCL Reflection, Proper 6A, June 18, 2023. The lessons today provide especially strong ground for addressing the giving aspect of stewardship, and for framing that giving not as duty but as gratitude. Elaine Ramshaw explores. (Photo: Asenat29, Creative Commons)
In this week’s Gospel Jesus brings a loving father’s daughter back to life and frees a woman from years of hemorrhages (and calling HER “daughter!). How can we relate to these stories? The Rev. Janet Hunt explores. (Photo: Creative Commons)
RCL Reflection for Trinity Sunday, Year A. June 4, 2023
Celebrating a complicated theological mystery, Trinity Sunday presents preaching challenges but also possibilities. Elisabeth Hartwell explores. (Image: Latimore, Kelly)
RCL Reflection for Pentecost Sunday, Year A, May 28, 2023.
The Holy Spirit’s dramatic arrival in Acts marks a bold new era for God’s people. The Holy Spirit here to guide, empower and unite us. Nothing will ever be the same. Deacon Timothy Siburg explores.
RCL Reflection for the Seventh Sunday of Easter, Year A, May 21, 2023.
This week’s lessons present juxtaposed depictions of God: God is high in heaven, but also involved in the messy and sinful world that Jesus came to save. Both depictions are spot on! Elaine Ramshaw explores.
RCL reflection, Sixth Sunday of Easter, Year A. May 14, 2023.
This week’s readings reinforce the idea that God has entrusted human beings with an amazing and daunting task: To tell the story of God. Thankfully, we don’t do it alone, but with God’s help. The Rev. Joel Bergeland explores.
RCL Reflection, 5th Sunday of Easter, Year A. May 7, 2023.
We often hear the comforting words of this week’s Gospel at funerals, but there’s much more to it. Jesus is talking about relationship. The Rev. Elisabeth Hartwell explores. (Photo: Oregon State University, creative commons)
RCL Reflection, 4th Sunday of Easter, Year A. April 30, 2023.
This is Good Shepherd Sunday in many congregations, as our congregants hear the 23rd Psalm and Jesus’ identification as our shepherd who promises us “life abundant.” Deacon Timothy Siburg explores.