From Kiplinger’s, the financial magazine, here is a page with good resources on how to get your household finances in shape. Just about every topic is covered, from getting out of debt to buying a car. (Photo by, used by Creative Commons license)
Avoid These Vacation Money Traps
A family vacation can be a major summer expense, filled with unexpected costs. But if you can avoid these seven money traps you can come home with more cash in your pockets, says this article from (Photo by 19melissa68, used by Creative Commons license)
Why the Church is a Hotbed for Finance Education
Personal finance classes offered by churches are often well-attended by the congregation. Some of the things that make these classes successful can be helpful to people who don’t attend church, too. What would a personal-finance program do for your congregation? (Photo by Jirka Matousek, used by Creative Commons license)
What’s Your ‘Money Autobiography’?
A “Money Autobiography” assists you in discovering your relationship to money. In writing a money autobiography, some discover that money controls them, while others discover that they control money. Be sure to check out “Money Autobiography” questions. From the Lewis Center for Church Leadership.
Secrets of a Giving Church
The Christian Reformed Church is a tiny denomination with just a quarter million members, but their members give in an outsized way — more than twice the national average among Protestant churches. They are doing something right, ChristianityToday reports. (Photo by iqoncept, via
Living Wi$ely
Living Wi$ely is a personal finance and budget counseling ministry that helps participants explore basic concepts of 1) creating and living within a budget; 2) saving, giving and getting out of debt; 3) biblical principles and spiritual issue of money. It is designed to be offered weekly for four weeks. The free online materials include the Financial Workshop Manual and a PowerPoint presentation for each of the four sessions. (Photo (c) Ariel Grimm, ShareAlike License)
Teach Dollars and Sense to Teens
So what can you do to help your tweens and teens learn the value of a dollar? Take direction from Proverbs 22:6: “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.” (NIV) Here are some ideas to get started. (Photo by Steven DePolo, used by Creative Commons license. Thanks!)
Budgeting for Irregular Expenses
Budgeting for life’s irregular expenses is a real discipline and part of good personal financial stewardship. Click here for some timely tips from Joan Otto at Man Vs Debt. (Photo:
Tune in to Faith & Money
Now you can listen to some wonderful interviews on various topics dealing with faith and money! Click here to check out the Faith & Money Network’s weekly Internet radio show. This week Judy and David Osgood talk with host Mike Little about our need to give and the joy they find in giving. Click here […]
5 Money Rules from Proverbs
RNS blogger Jana Riess has been thinking lately about what the Bible has to say about money, particularly in the advice-filled Book of Proverbs. What does the Book of Proverbs have to say about money, generosity, and wealth? Quite a bit, actually. (Photo by 401(K) 2012 Used by Creative Commons license)