THE COVID-19 Pandemic has changed church as we know it, including how we approach church finance and giving. The United Methodist Church offers 10 practical ideas for church financial leaders to consider and adapt for use in their contexts. (Image: “Offering plates glow,” Don Brown, Creative Commons License)
Eight tips for church finance during a pandemic
Check out Hal Seed’s eight tips for keeping your congregation’s finances on track during the COVID-19 pandemic. None of these ideas should surprise you, but they are good reminders in anxious times and will help prepare you to carry on once the pandemic is behind us. (Image: Travis Wise, Creative Commons License)
Create a mission endowment fund in your congregation
An church endowment fund can help provide financial stability and encourage good stewardship practices. This guide from lays out some good principles and tips on how to get started. This is from the ELCA Foundation. Most denominations have a similar ministry that serves their congregations.
Preparing for post COVID-19 benevolence
“One of the most frequently asked questions I am getting is, How do I get my church ready to minister to people who suffer the painful economic consequences of this worldwide crisis?” says Todd McMichen, author and Director of Generosity & Digital Giving at LifeWay. Check out his article with nine steps to prepare your […]
Be proactive, develop a gift acceptance policy
Does your congregation have a gift acceptance policy? If not, check out this article from the National Council of Nonprofits and get a leadership team together to craft one. Clear communication and good gift boundaries make generosity more effective for your ministry and rewarding for donors. (Photo: Asenat29, Creative Commons)
A financial audit helps maintain trust
Do your congregants know that their tithes and offerings are handled responsibly? If trust slips, so do donations. Smart churches help assure their donors by conducting a financial audit once every year. Think of it as a “check up” to make sure the congregation is financially healthy. This ELCA guide can help. (Photo: 401(K) 2012, […]
What to ask when there’s a decline in offerings
If 2019 was not a good year financially for your church, you are not alone. Churches across the land are facing tough times. When church income takes a dip, it’s important to be asking the right questions in order to devise the right strategy. This article from Horizons Stewardship offers some great pointers to direct […]
Close out your financial books right for 2019
It’s the season for joy and revelry for all of God’s people, but for the church accountants and treasurers it’s also the season to close out the church’s financial year. So much to do, but this handy checklist from can help make sure you get everything done, and done right. (Photo: Anssi Koskinen, Creative […]
Give your church a year-end budget bump
As the year’s end approaches, many churches worry, “Will we end the year in the black?” Columnist Karl Vaters suggests doing this one simple thing that both expresses gratitude and lets congregants know what the church needs to avoid an unintentional short fall. It’s not too late to get thank you letters in the mail. […]
Preaching and teaching about money can be fruitful
Breaking the taboo about money talk can be fruitful for congregations, a new study shows. The more congregations talk about money, the more likely they are to see a corresponding increase in giving, according to the National Study of Congregations’ Economic Practices. (Photo: Bev8200, used by Creative Commons license. Thanks!)