The new d0-it-yourself movement is reminding us that we do have alternatives. In addition to being fun, thrifty, and personal, making things yourself is immensely rewarding. Check out this article from MNN with abundant links. You’ll find suggestions for gifts, bread, toys, cosmetics, household cleaners, and much more. (Photo: chatirygirl, Creative Commons)
10 ways to use QR codes in your church
Those funky square symbols are called “QR” (Quick Response) codes that can help your church develop a better presence in the digital age, especially with younger, tech-savvy Christians. This article from outlines some of the uses.
How Many Toys?
Do children have too many toys? Check out this recent BBC news article by Joanne Furniss before you catch the Christmas consumer fever. Share it with parents in your community and host a thoughtful discussion. (Photo: Steve Winton, Creative Commons)
Thanksgiving Day Resources for Worship
A whole day devoted to giving thanks? Sounds like the perfect occasion for a special worship service. Here are some resources to get you started. (Photo by Blacklord, used under Creative Commons license.
8 Reasons Why Believers Give to Your Church
If you want your church to grow, you must learn how to motivate believers to invest their resources into the kingdom for ministry and for facilities, says “Purpose-Driven Pastor” Rick Warren. It is a key responsibility of leadership. See whether Warren’s eight reasons ring true for your church. (Photo by Lisafx, via
Teach Kids About Saving, Sharing, Spending
Though our children are saturated in our consumer culture, the US Department of Education reports that only 42 percent of 12th graders are skilled in basic economics. It’s never too early to start teaching our kids about the responsible use of money. This article from Thrivent magazine has some great ideas. (Photo by Richard Wagoner, […]
Preparing for a Parish Capital Campaign
Ever think your church could use a capital campaign but didn’t know how to start? Here’s a handy 11-page resource from the Episcopal Church Foundation that outlines 10 practical steps to get your parish capital campaign off the ground. The PDF is free!
Visualizing the Need for Sabbath
Not only is Sabbath a commandment, it’s good for our health, relationships, economy, and environment. Unfortunately, the notion of Sabbath is often a countercultural one. Here’s a series of infographics that may help you communicate tangible benefits of Sabbath-keeping. (Photo: hiyori13, Creative Commons)
Layaway Stewardship for Advent
Already we’re seeing signs of Christmas in the marketplace–and it’s only mid-October. Here’s an idea you can start now as an alternative to the commercial hype. Click here for the details! (Photo: Fan of Retail, Creative Commons)
Yes, Sometimes You Can Serve God & Mammon
When a church in suburban Minneapolis wanted to use pat of a $2 million windfall for mission, its leaders decided NOT to do the usual thing — cut a fat check to a worthwhile ministry. Instead they used a market-oriented approach that energized the entrepreneurial spirit of community leaders. (Photo by OpenSourceWay, used by Creative Commons license. Thanks!)