If you lead and serve in a congregational setting, be sure to read this article about the importance of self-care from Faith & Leadership at Duke Divinity School. (Photo: Miguel Virkkunen Carvalho)
Now We’re Cooking: Is Your Church a Microwave or Crock-Pot?
The comparison between microwaves and Crock-Pots can teach us a lot about ministry and church growth. Specifically, do you want to have a “Microwave Ministry” or a “Crock-Pot Church”? Microwaves are good for a lot of things, chiefly convenience. If we are going to have churches that are healthy, growing, vital and reaching God’s people, we need to resist “microwave” solutions and aim for “crock-pot” solutions. (Photo by Alex Schultz, used by Creative Commons license. Thanks!)
Christian consultant Nancy Ortberg’s leadership secrets
Nancy Ortberg’s rare combination of tenacity and grace has enabled her to break through many of the barriers to female leadership in evangelicalism today. Nancy served eight years as a teaching pastor at Willow Creek Community Church, one of America’s largest congregations, and today, she is a consultant to businesses and non-profits, a sought after speaker, and author. In this interview, she shares her leadership secrets.
Reflections on Nelson Mandela’s Leadership
In his singleminded vision and uncompromising pursuit of justice and reconciliation, Nelson Mandela is revered as one of our age’s greatest leaders. In this article, Duke University’s Faith & Leadership magazine offers a compilation of essays it has published about Mandela over the years. (Photo by Ted Eytan, used by Creative Commons license. Thanks!)
Shave 10 Hours from Your Ministry Workweek
Ministers are notoriously overburdened, but handling our load may be hampered by ingrained work habits that do not serve us well. In this article Michael Hyatt, Chairman of Thomas Nelson Publishers, explains how he gets more done in less time by following simple rules for work. (Photo by BinaryApe, used by Creative Commons license. Thanks!)
Thanksgiving Day Resources for Worship
A whole day devoted to giving thanks? Sounds like the perfect occasion for a special worship service. Here are some resources to get you started. (Photo by Blacklord, used under Creative Commons license.
A Recipe for Community
Some of these “ingredients” may seem like “no-brainers” to you, but author Linda Buzzell does an excellent job of outlining a strategy for community building that is applicable to faith communities and non-profits. (Photo: NAIT, Creative Commons)
Building a Narrative Budget
Many congregations have discovered the narrative budget as a way of talking about the needs of the church to carry out its mission. Rather than a spreadsheet that lists columns and columns of numbers, the narrative budget tells the story of the congregation’s mission and service and how the budget components contribute. (Photo by Howard […]
So You’re the New Stewardship Chair!
You have agreed to lead the stewardship effort this year? Congratulations! If you’re wondering what to do now, here are some GREAT ideas on how to build your committee, recruiting people with the skills needed to bring your congregation the results it needs and deserves. Good advice for a stewardship newbie and veteran alike. (Photo […]
Bill Hybels: The Work Habits of a Leader
Here is some important leadership advice from the founder and senior pastor of the Willow Creek Community Church. In contrast to what most people think, Hybels says the most important asset is not time, but rather the ability to energize and motivate others. Good watching, from churchleaders.com.