Churches can be easy targets for thieves, but by taking some simple, commonsense steps church leaders can prevent protect their church from being victimized, says this excellent article from Brotherhood Mutual Insurance, part of the company’s extensive Safety Library. (Photo by Rob Pongsajapan, used by Creative Commons license. Thanks!)
It’s Not too Late to Rethink Stewardship!
Register now for Luther Seminary’s Rethinking Stewardship 2014 Conference, July 28-30, on the campus of Luther Seminary. The focus for this year’s event is year-round stewardship, and you’ll leave with plenty of practical ideas to put to use in your congregation. Check the link for more information and to register.
Healthy Change in a Local Church
Wise leaders know that change in a congregation can be incredibly hard, requiring amazing amounts of time and energy. But they also know that constant change is necessary and worth the expense. Here are some principles for how to lead your congregation through healthy change. From (Photo by Phil Whitehouse, used by Creative Commons […]
Stewards of the Promise (Part Two)
To be a steward of Jesus’ bold promise in this week’s reading implies that we will fully invest ourselves in passing on the faith, in sharing the story, and in continuing the work of Christ. In doing so we align our wills to Christ’s will, and as his body visible today we boldly carry his message to the world. (Photo by Charles Clegg, used by Creative Commons license)
Five Myths about Creativity
Creativity is not just for a few select “artistic” types, but rather a universal human quality that can help bring your church or ministry to new realms of service and success. This article from ShareFaith debunks five misconceptions about creativity. (Photo by Laffy4k, used by Creative Commons license)
Use the ‘Box Method’ to Prioritize and Get More Done!
Lots of us busy pastors and church leaders become stuck because our “to do” lists grow impossibly long and our workdays seem impossibly short. From Entrepreneur magazine, here’s a simple idea that can help you manage your time, prioritize tasks and improve productivity! (Photo by Robert van der Steeg, used by Creative Commons license)
How To Ensure Easter Visitors Don’t Come Back
It’s hard for regular churchgoers when Easter arrives and the church is crowded with all those pesky “Creasters” — folks who come only on Christmas and Easter — as well as the curious visitors. Here, from, are 12 ways to make sure those heathens never come back. (Photo © Winston Health, used by Creative Commons […]
Stewardship and Lent
Among the many opportunities the Lenten season provides for us, it also gives us many chances to broaden the discussion of stewardship. In our world, which is so driven by consumerism, greed, and wealth, this season calls us to turn away from these, and look again to the one true God. Here are some ideas […]
5 Principles of Vision
When a ministry and its leaders are struggling, it’s often because their vision is no longer in line with the vision God has for them. Here are five principles about vision that can keep a ministry and its leader on track. From (Photo by Ken Teegardin for, used by Creative Commons license. )
Preaching on Money
Most pastors would rather preach on almost anything besides than finances and stewardship, but as the preaching pastor, you are the chief development officer for your church. Provocative words from Ministry Matters. (Photo by Sumos, via