Keep stewardship before your congregation with the newsletter article and weekly bulletin blurbs that SOLI’s Stewardship Tookit provides. March’s kit looks at stewardship lessons from Ash Wednesday. (Photo: Dylan Foley, Creative Commons)

61 Seminary Ridge, Gettysburg, PA 17325 (717) 334-6286
Keep stewardship before your congregation with the newsletter article and weekly bulletin blurbs that SOLI’s Stewardship Tookit provides. March’s kit looks at stewardship lessons from Ash Wednesday. (Photo: Dylan Foley, Creative Commons)
When it comes to strategies for funding ministries, planned giving is often forgotten amid plans to raise yearly pledges or capital campaigns. But congregations would be wise to make it a priority, says the United Methodist Foundation of Louisiana. (Photo: Ken Mayer, Creative Commons)
To do stewardship well, churches have to focus on it more than just a couple weeks in the fall. The United Methodist Church offers a comprehensive 12-month strategy from Herb Mather. Check it out and start planning! (Photo by Grublee, via
New Year’s Resolutions offer a great opportunity to set new goals and start new ventures. But this year, rebrand them as stewardship resolutions. After all, Christian stewardship starts with the premise that we actually own nothing because God owns it all. (Photo: Erephas, Creative Commons)
Make this a goal or resolution for 2022: “I will be more generous.” The spiritual discipline of generosity transforms us into people who experience the life abundant. This month’s free Stewardship Toolkit explores. (Photo: Per Erik Strandberg, Creative Commons)
“It’s the thought that counts.” That’s what we SAY about gift-giving, but then we focus on the gift itself, often tearing our hair out to find the “perfect” gift for someone who already has everything they need and want. The December Toolkit explores putting real thought behind gift-giving. (Photo: Neil T, Creative Commons)
If you’re looking for good, free stewardship resources for your congregation, the Giving 365 site offered by Horizons Stewardship is a great go-to place. Create a free account login and you’ll have access to a wide variety of quality materials with no obligation. (Photo: Kodomut, Creative Commons)
Lots of annual campaigns flop because their underlying ideas are weak and flawed. But you don’t want that to happen to yours, right? Here are some ideas for navigating your campaign into the port of success. From the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia, Wash.
SOLI’S Stewardship Toolkit offers a free monthly newsletter article, plus weekly RCL-based “snippets” for your Sunday bulletin. October’s toolkit focuses on how God calls us to examine our “harvest” and find sufficiency, contentment, and generosity.
How are you managing your Annual Stewardship Campaign this fall? It’s one of the major program areas of the church that has been impacted by the pandemic. Here some ideas to spark your creativity and planning. From the Episcopal Church Foundation.