What’s the difference between “stewardship” and “generosity”? Turns out the distinctions are many and profound, which is why many churches are switching their use of the term “stewardship” for “generosity.” Author and Methodist Bishop Robert Schnase reflects on the changes and offers a practical list of “dos” and “don’ts” for churches that want to cultivate […]
Subversive Generosity
Through the discipline of generosity we engage in the subversive kingdom ways of Jesus. The kingdom of God is more than just a simple reform of a flawed system. Jesus is calling us to move beyond mere improvements to existing structures. The kingdom of God is an entirely new way to live. It is altogether […]
Giving REALLY is Better than Receiving!
“Human generosity, far from being a thin veneer of cultural conditioning atop a Machiavellian core, may turn out to be a bedrock feature of human nature,” concluded UC-Santa Barbara psychologists in a recent study. Writing in Scientific American, author Maria Konnikova cites research supporting that it is more blessed to give than to receive. (Photo: Asenat29, Creative Commons)
Celebrate Generosity as a Way of Life
Author Tim Shapiro suggests six measures for whether your congregation is celebrating and cultivating generosity as a way of life. How is your congregation stewarding the call to help people develop lives of deep faith and generosity? (Photo: taxcredits.net, Creative Commons)
Create a Culture of Giving in Your Church
In the competitive world of nonprofit funding, church leaders have an advantage capturing the hearts and minds of people to support ministry. Why? Because we often see them face-to-face. How are we doing at creating a culture of giving when our people are present? Here are tips from the Mennonite Church USA. (Photo: ThrasherDave, Creative […]