According to writer/editor Tim Challies, there is indeed a substantial cost when it comes to radical generosity, but it’s definitely worth it. (Photo: Stewardship-Transforming Generosity, Creative Commons)

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According to writer/editor Tim Challies, there is indeed a substantial cost when it comes to radical generosity, but it’s definitely worth it. (Photo: Stewardship-Transforming Generosity, Creative Commons)
People are leaving their churches because they feel excluded from participating in the communication of the message. They have heard countless sermons, but they grew weary, very weary, of sitting in pews, feeling muzzled, while the person on stage monopolizes every word, says Thom Schultz of Holy Soup. (Photo by stephen_jamesP, used by Creative Commons license)
Church scandals involving mismanagement of money not only generate headlines, they also erode trust among the people needed to support our ministries. Here are some tips for building and maintaining trust. From LifeWay resources. (Photo by Mark Willylis, used by Creative Commons license)
Most of our congregations function with a single team of people who are responsible for all conversations, leadership, implementation, and oversight about everything financial. This is a mistake. Here are some tips on how to do better, from the Center for Faith & Giving. (Photo by d-olwen-dee, used by Creative Commons license)
As American churches face the future, they increasingly realize that if something doesn’t change, they won’t survive. But what is it that must change? How they answer that question actually predicts their future, says Thom Schultz of (Photo by CarbonNYC used by creative commons license)
As we grow beyond the narrow understanding of stewardship as an annual fundraising exercise – or as the late Terry Parsons used to call it, the “annual beg-a-thon” — God begins to reshape our concept of what “gift” and “giving” actually mean. From the Episcopal Church Foundation. (Photo by Tiger Girl, used by Creative Commons license.)
The forty days of Lent provide stewards with a marvelous opportunity to evaluate the nature of our life’s “work.” Being reminded to take a meaningful and substantive spiritual “pause” in our lives for forty days is a gift in itself. Good reading from the International Catholic Stewardship Council. (Photo by mwms1916, used by Creative Commons […]
As God convicted my heart and I began to read Scripture with fresh eyes, whole sections of the Bible came alive for me. In particular, God’s concern for orphans struck a chord, says Chip Ingram in a blog post on (Photo by Alan Light, used by Creative Commons license)
It’s time to start asking new questions. Better answers to the same old questions about the church will not get us through the tumultuous times in which we live. This is a time for out-of-the box thinking. Old questions keep is in the box. New questions invite us to move outside, writes Jeffrey D. Jones […]
Here’s a brief video that will make you laugh, but also make you think! It includes interviews with folks from the Episcopal Church. How would YOU answer their questions? (Photo by Bev8200, used by Creative Commons license)