This guide outlines Sunday school classes about for children, youth and adults about caring for God’s creation and how we can help conserve natural resources through lifestyle changes. Designed by the New Community Project for a broad faith audience, they can be adapted for your context.
Pope Francis on Environmentalism
No surprise that Pope Francis, who has renewed Christian concern for the poor, also has deep concern for the environment. Here, from Catholic Climate Covenant, is a wide assortment of Pope Francis’ teachings on the environment. (Photo by Semilla Luz, used by Creative Commons license)
Dirt People: An Eco-Sermon for Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday is a perfect opportunity to remind people that God created us from the earth, suggests “ecopreacher” Rev. Leah Schade. “Finding ways to reconnect with the earth from which you were created is so essential to finding wholeness and being at rest in God.” (Photo by Josh Larios, used by Creative Commons license.)
Environmental Churches
Check out this short National Geographic Video about Environmental Churches. These congregations are examples of those taking substantial steps to evaluate and reduce their consumption of energy and resources. (Photo: upyernos, Creative Commons)
Church: Climate Change a ‘Great Demon’
With flooding and other weather incidents across the UK, the Church of England said it will fight the “Great Demon” of climate change, which caused by burning fossil fuels. “Scientists warn about the damage we are creating but we do very little to mitigate the threat, or adapt to it,” said one church official. (Photo […]
Where Christians Get Environmentalism Wrong
Some Christians want to dismiss the environment as a lesser issue compared with the weightiness of the Gospel. But if the Gospel is the story of how the life, death and resurrection of Christ redeems and renews believers and all creation with them, then the proper care of the earth becomes a Gospel implication. Good […]
Eco-Justicia Provides Creation Care Resources in Spanish
Need faith-based eco-justice resources in Spanish? Check out this wonderful website hosted by Neddy Astudillo, an ordained Presbyterian clergy person and long time advocate of ecological justice in the church. (Photo: Rambojan Iphoneography, Creative Commons)
Make a Personal Covenant to be an Earthkeeper!
So, you consider yourself an environmentalist Christian? Well, take the plunge! This personal earthkeeping covenant from Lutherans Restoring Creation will outline specific actions you can take in your daily life to be a “green” (or “greener) disciple. Why not challenge your study or youth group? )Photo by dizfunkshinal, used by creative commons license
Congregational Earthkeeping Manual
Earth is in trouble—from global climate change, the pollution of air, land, and water, and much more. As people of faith, we believe that the degraded ecological condition is in part a spiritual problem. And as people of faith, we can work to educate about, advocate for and model a new ways of looking at God’s creation. This manual will explain how. (Photo Photo by Aussiegall, used by Creative Commons license.)
DIY Instead of BUY
The new d0-it-yourself movement is reminding us that we do have alternatives. In addition to being fun, thrifty, and personal, making things yourself is immensely rewarding. Check out this article from MNN with abundant links. You’ll find suggestions for gifts, bread, toys, cosmetics, household cleaners, and much more. (Photo: chatirygirl, Creative Commons)