Hurricane Sandy should have been a “Pearl Harbor” moment to enter the war on climate change, but we ignored it, argues Christian activist Leah Schade. Mother Nature responded with more fury from Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. Now we have no choice but to surrender. (Photo: rambojan iphoneography, Creative Commons)
Tips For a More Eco-Friendly Easter Basket
As holidays in North America have become more and more commercialized they have generated more and more waste. But a few simple alternatives to the usual Easter basket of treats can not only help reduce waste but also put more meaning into the celebration. (Photo by Javcon117, Creative Commons )
Is Green Christian Movement Slowing?
Over the past two decades, many Christians have made a dramatic public conversion to environmental causes as the evidence for climate change and other problems has become more apparent. But recent evidence suggests interest in creation care is leveling off or even declining. On Sojourners. (Photo: Takver, Creative Commons)
Give Up Plastic for Lent
Civilization is facing a looming crisis of plastic that, while cheap and convenient, doesn’t break down. What to do? The Church of England suggest cutting down on plastic consumption, and it offers a Lenten calendar with daily suggestions. Read about it in the New York Times. (Photo: Kate Ter Haar, Creative Commons)
Our Vocation to Care for the Earth: A Personal Story
How did you become aware of your/our responsibility to take care of the only planet we’ll ever have? In this personal essay, Lutheran environmentalist David Rhodes describes his journey from a youth in a sheltered small-town Pennsylvania town to a prominent voice in eco-activism. On (Photo: Quinn Dombrowski, Creative Commons)
NASA: 2017 Continues Earth’s Warming Trend
Unchecked carbon dioxide emissions continue to warm the planet, NASA scientists concluded after examining 2017 climate data. The five hottest years ever recorded have occurred since 2010, says NASA. Read the report and check out the video showing global warming trends since 1980. (Photo: Takver, Creative Commons)
A Bible Eco-Verse for Every Week in 2018
Start 2018 on the right environmental foot! Print a creation-related Bible passage in every Sunday bulletin. This great file from Lutherans Restoring Creation will help you out with 52 brief passages that deal with issues of environmental stewardship. You could make them more meaningful by providing insights or commentary from your own community and context.
A to Z Tips for a Green Christmas
You may be dreaming of a green Christmas, but it’s pretty hard to achieve when there’s so much consumption taking place in our throwaway culture. And we know that lots of consumption usually means lots of waste. But The Guardian’s A to Z tips can show you how to enjoy the holidays without costing the […]
The Brits Are Way Ahead in ‘Green Living’
Sometimes it takes a trip outside of one’s culture to see it in better light. Such was the case for blogger Emma Sleeth Davis when she visited England and saw how the Brits’ everyday habits promoted better physical health, more vigorous outdoor living and lower energy use than what she was used to in the […]
New U.S. Report Links Climate Change to Humans
This month U.S. federal agencies released a comprehensive climate science report that says “it is extremely likely that human influence has been the dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-20th century. For the warming over the last century, there is no convincing alternative explanation supported by the extent of the observational evidence.” The report is part of the […]
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