Lectionary Reflection: March 17, 2008
Holy Week is a busy time for pastors and laypeople alike. Is it too busy?

61 Seminary Ridge, Gettysburg, PA 17325 (717) 334-6286
Lectionary Reflection: March 17, 2008
Holy Week is a busy time for pastors and laypeople alike. Is it too busy?
Lectionary Reflection: March 3, 2008
The Sunday’s lectionary reading from Ezekiel has special meaning for residents of the Upper Midwest who have been dealing with population decline and other problems.
Just Living: February 18, 2008
In her year of simplifying her life, our columnist faced a perplexing problem: What about the books?
Lectionary Reflection: February 4, 2008
We are bound together, you and I. Each one of us is wonderfully and uniquely created by God with gifts and talents, skills and abilities, failings and frailties. But we are not alone, nor are we designed to be alone.
Just Living: January 14, 2008
To be an effective steward of all this stuff, I’m taking a four-pronged approach. Believe me, it’s a daunting process!