The Great Vigil of Easter, April 11, 2020
Need a framework for a digital Easter Vigil that’s intergenerational and can be done at home. We also have ideas for going deeper and connecting with generosity. (Photo: LIam Moloney, Creative Commons)
Maundy Thursday: Hands that serve
Maundy Thursday, Year A, April 9, 2020 Uncertainty and anxiety are rising. Many of us are locked in our homes for fear of COVID-19. We are looking for someone to make everything all right, to reassure us. Some of us are hopeful for fresh leadership that will begin the serious work of dismantling systems of injustice and oppression.
Resources for Monday – Wednesday of Holy Week (COVID-19 edition)
Resources for Monday-Wednesday of Holy Week, Year A
We have ideas for brief devotionals, a gratitude connection, and ideas to go deeper at home. Check back daily for updates and ideas for the rest of Holy Week and Easter. (Photo: Kate Dixon, Creative Commons)
Raise your palms, people!
RCL Lectionary Reflection for Palm/Passion Sunday, Year A, April 5, 2020.
This will definitely be a different kind of Palm Sunday and Holy Week as most of us lean into a new way of being church together yet dispersed. So friends, let’s be bold and raise (quite literally) our palms in praise this day before entering a week-long digital journey through Holy Week. (Photo: Wonderwoman0731, Creative Commons)
Unbind and let go
RCL Reflection for the Fifth Sunday in Lent, Year A, March 29, 2020
We have our wonderfully rich text this Lenten season, Year A, but church continues to look quite different this year thanks to COVID-19. Check out our ideas for digital connections, preaching, teaching, stewardship, and time with children and youth. Thank you for your faithful ministry! (Photo: panache2620, Creative Commons)
Sight in a season of shadows
Revised Common Lectionary Reflection for the Fourth Sunday in Lent, Year, A, March 22, 2020
Ministry and worship are probably looking quite a bit different in most contexts where COVID-19 precautions are in place. This week’s lessons offer some wonderful springboards to look at current events through the lens of scripture–from the comfort of the 23rd Psalm to the lessons about blindness and sight. (Photo: Ken Teegartin, Creative Commons)
Leading God’s people in these most anxious times
RCL Lectionary Reflection, Third Sunday in Lent, Year A, March 15, 2020 The stock market! COVID-19! Climate change! How do we lead, serve, and preach/teach to the Body of Christ when anxiety is pretty much at flood level for a lot of folks? What do this week’s lessons have to say to those of us called to lead in times like these? Plenty! (Photo: Kenny Uhh Creative Commons)
Continuing education
RCL Lectionary Reflection for the Second Sunday in Lent, Year A, March 8, We need open minds and hearts for challenging times like these. We need continuing faith education to navigate rocky civil and political waters. Let us use scripture, this amazingly beautiful record of God’s interaction with humankind and creation across thousands of years, as the living, breathing work that it truly is. (Photo: Elaine Smith, Creative Commons)
Do a ‘spiritual spring cleaning’ this Lent
RCL Reflection for the First Sunday in Lent, Year A, March 1, 2020
May this Lent be more than just giving up, adding on, or choosing small, palatable sufferings for 40 days. Do the work of spiritual spring cleaning, of letting go of ego, quests for power, and insecure greed that leads to self-absorption. Real life is about so very much more. Seek and you will surely find answers, hope, and God. (Photo: Vox Efx, Creative Commons)
Glimpsing God’s glory
RCL Lectionary Reflection, Transfiguration Sunday, Year A, February 23, 2020
No matter how you approach the Transfiguration, be sure to offer folks a preview through this story, a small moment of bright hope and promise of the true scope of the Cosmic Christ and the Holy Trinity. Help them to pay attention, to see God at work in the world. Photo: Derek M. Swanson, Creative Commons)
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