RCL reflection for the Third Sunday of Easter, Year B. April 14, 2024. This Sunday’s readings provide a great opportunity to explore how we as followers and faith communities can see and talk about how transforms us for the better. Rob Blezard explores.
April toolkit: Thank God for life-giving food
Stewards of life, the environment and health, we can appreciate every mouthful of food. That’s the idea in April’s free stewardship newsletter article, along with RCL-based Sunday bulletin snippets. From SOLI. (Photo: Dylan Foley, Creative Commons)
March Toolkit: Lenten thoughts about wealth
Lent, the time for self-examination, gives us the perfect opportunity to look at our relationship with money. The March Stewardship Toolkit explores the topic with a newsletter article and Sunday bulletin snippets. (Photo: Bill Hillegas, Creative Commons)
Toolkit: Valentine’s Day/Ash Wednesday culture clash
Feb. 14 will present our culture with a clash of messages. Valentine’s Day and Ash Wednesday occur fall on that day. Your free February Stewardship Toolkit suggests a way to observe both. (Photo: David Goehring, Creative Commons)
January Toolkit: Your year of abundant living
January’s free stewardship toolkit focuses on stewarding all your gifts to enjoy the life abundant that Jesus promises in John 10:10. Original newsletter article and RCL-based “snippets” for every Sunday bulletin. (Photo: Neil T, Creative Commons)
Toolkit explores Advent as a path to Holy Christmas
This month’s free Stewardship Toolkit looks at how rediscovering Advent — today lost in the commercial Christmas frenzy — can lead us to a more Holy Christmas. With newsletter article and weekly bulletin “snippets.” From SOLI. (Photo: Tauralbus. Creative Commons)
Last-minute 2023 stewardship campaign ideas
So, fall 2023 crept up on you and you don’t have a stewardship plan? Well, it happens. Not to worry. Here are three easy and simple ideas you can implement before year’s end. From SOLI’s web editor Rob Blezard.
Toolkit explores, ‘What do we really own?’
We are born with nothing and we die with nothing, so why do we work so hard to accumulate? October’s free Toolkit explores this with a cut-and-paste newsletter article and Sunday bulletin snippets. (Photo: Per Erik Strandberg, Creative Commons)
Toolkit explores moving folks to ‘Percentage Giving
Many Christians give a “lump sum” amount in their offering, regardless of their income. This month’s free Stewardship Toolkit explores moving people to ‘Percentage Giving. Plus, weekly bulletin ‘Snippets.’ From SOLI.
Toolkit explores ‘The problem with money’
August’s ‘Stewardship Toolkit” newsletter article looks at why the Bible warns us about the dangers of wealth. The free Toolkit includes not only a newsletter article but also RCL-based ‘Snippets’ for your Sunday bulletin. From SOLI. (Photo: John Guccione, Pexels)
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