We all want to believe that everyone who volunteers to count the offering at church is above taking from the till, but humans are imperfect. In this blog post startCHURCH lists some ways to reduce temptation and help keep church money safer. (Photo: Acousticgirl, Creative Commons)
Srategies to accelerate summer offerings
People go on vacation during the summer, and unfortunately so do their offerings. But that need not be the case. Horizons stewardship offers four proven strategies to mitigate anxiety and enable your church to experience a stronger summer season of giving.(Photo: Jo Naylor, Creative Commons)
July Toolkit focus: Stewardship of our bodies
God’s breath of life is what makes our bodies more than just 100-plus pounds of water and minerals, so it’s important to be good stewards of our bodies. July’s toolkit explores the idea with a newsletter article and RCL-based stewardship blurbs. (Photo: Andrea Piacquadio, Creative Commons)
Richard J. Foster: Understanding simplicity
Let’s face it: Life is very complicated at the moment! From politics to the economy to the environment to health, and on and on, we have a lot on our minds and plates. Author and pastor Richard Foster reflects on Christian simplicity. (Photo: Leland Francisco, Creative Commons)
Make this your healthiest summer ever!
Whether you are striving to look better in a bathing suit or just taking better care of yourself, a healthier lifestyle is within your reach this summer. The federal Centers for Disease Control offers some key tips. (Photo: Mikko Koponen, Creative Commons)
Check out ‘The Official Stewardship Panic Kit’
There’s a lot that goes into a good stewardship program, so it’s understandable if your church is stressed out. The team from the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia, Washington, developed this great guide with helpful tips to help you get by.
What’s your money personality type?
When money comes your way, your first instinct on what to do with ittmay say a lot about your money personality. Are you a saver, spender, giver, or acquirer? Or some combination of them. Stewardship author and speaker Grace Duddy Pomroy explores this issue in her blog. (Photo: Steven DePolo, Creative Commons)
A Transformative Approach to Church Finances
Stewardship ministry can be so much more! Church leaders can approach stewardship and finance in ways that inspire generosity and encourage the sound use of church resources. Hear how in this podcast from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Seminary. (Photo: Alias 0591, Creative Commons)
Christianity Today: Why all the concern over carbon?
Humans have turned their “dominion” over creation into “domination,” says a blistering editorial in Christianity Today that calls on Evangelicals to listen to the scientists, not the climate-change skeptics, and get behind the effort to save the planet. (Photo: NASA, public domain)
What did Jesus actually say about money and wealth?
Whether it was Roman-era coinage or it is today’s dollars and cents – no matter the currency – Jesus had plenty to say about money. It’s been said that Jesus talked more about money and wealth than he did about anything except the Kingdom of God. (Photo: Daniel R. Bloom, Creative Commons)
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