A clever bumper sticker speaks wisely: “Tithe if you love Jesus. Anyone can honk.” If that nugget of wisdom holds true, we have to ask, “Do Mormons love Jesus more than other Christians?” An impressive 79 percent of Mormons tithe their income — giving 10 percent to their church, according to a recent article in […]
A New Commandment!
It was Jesus’ last night on before his execution, and he spent it with those he loved, giving them some of the most powerful teachings of his ministry. That’s what Maundy Thursday is all about. (Photo by Wharman, used by Creative Commons License.)
What is your soul?
“How is your soul?” a friend of mine always asks. The greeting always gets me thinking, “Well, how IS my soul doing?” And I can’t help but wonder, come to think of it, what exactly IS my soul? When I asked that last question — “What is your soul?” — to the faithful worshipers at […]
My season of sacrifice and self denial
I can truly relate to what Jesus is saying in this Sunday’s Gospel lesson, “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me” (Mark 8:34b). Deny myself? Oh yeah! During Lent I’m all about self denial. (Photo by Randy OHC, used by Creative Commons license. Thanks!)
So you’re the new stewardship chair?
Lucky you! For the Episcopal Church has assembled some dandy resources to help you get your ministry off the ground and flying high! Everything from building a committee to financial commitment programs that work. (Photo by Konephoto, via bigstockphoto.com.)
Ash Wednesday: When stewards take stock
‘It’s Personal’ Blog
Meditate on the sobering words of Ash Wednesday: “Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” You’ll find the source of good stewardship of life — our mortality. (Photo by On the White Line, used by Creative Commons license.)
Resolutions you can really use
‘It’s Personal!’
Most people forget their New Year’s Resolutions as soon as they break them. It’s too bad, because resolutions to be a better steward of your life really can help you. Here is some advice for how to keep them from getting stale or forgotten.
(By Overthehill, via Bigstockphoto.com. )
Estate Planning: A Key to Faithful Stewardship
An estate plan is a significant resource for a faithful Christian steward, and estate planning gives the church a tremendous opportunity to help educate parishioners about the key components of a Christian estate plan. Here are some ways to get started. (Photo by MonkeyBusinessImages, via Bigstockphoto.com.)
Poor, dumb critters!
What’s wrong with us? As a species, we persist in lifestyles that are making us stressed, fat and sick. We continue to smoke and drink. We use violence as the primary way to resolve conflict. Through overconsumption, we continue to waste resources and energy. (Photo by Treehouse 1977, used by Creative Commons license. Thanks!)
Blue jeans virtues
I live in blue jeans during my nonworking hours, but as the New Year approached, my “good” pair of Levi’s were conspicuously scruffy and literally falling apart. But holding off on buying a new pair helped me experience two much-needed stewardship virtues.
(Photo by Anirav, via Bigstock.com.)
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