Ash Wednesday is a perfect opportunity to remind people that God created us from the earth, suggests “ecopreacher” Rev. Leah Schade. “Finding ways to reconnect with the earth from which you were created is so essential to finding wholeness and being at rest in God.” (Photo by Josh Larios, used by Creative Commons license.)
Do We Need A Clergy Tax Simplification Act Of 2014?
A federal judge’s ruling that the clergy housing allowance is unconstitutional simply brings to the surface the stark reality that laws governing clergy taxation are overly complicated and in need of reform, says this columnist from Forbes magazine. He explains why the housing allowance is hardly a bonanza for all but the most highly paid […]
Promoting Healthy Congregations
Health is a process, not a thing or state. It is ongoing, dynamic, and ever changing. Health is a direction, not a destination, a once-and-for-all property. Congregational leaders are the key stewards of the congregation as a unit in itself. (Photo by Antti Nissinen, used by Creative Commons license)
Dealing with Clergy Stress
Because of the demanding nature of their jobs, clergy are at greater risk for stress-related mental health issues, such as burnout, depression and “compassion fatigue,” according to health surveys. The United Methodist Church report talks about the risks and how some congregations and pastors are coping. (Photo by Bottled Void, used by Creative Commons license.)
Church: Climate Change a ‘Great Demon’
With flooding and other weather incidents across the UK, the Church of England said it will fight the “Great Demon” of climate change, which caused by burning fossil fuels. “Scientists warn about the damage we are creating but we do very little to mitigate the threat, or adapt to it,” said one church official. (Photo […]
Freely You Have Been Given
The postmodern church will not be afraid of economics and will have learned the biblical truth that you cannot serve God and money, but sometimes you can serve God better with money than without it. The church’s theology of giving will not be based on guilt, or scorn for possessions, or some abstract principle of “unto the least” makes us increasingly intolerant of inequality. (
Stewardship in the Gospel of Mark
Perfect for your small-group ministry or Christian education class, an 11-minute video and study guide that explores the subject of stewardship as seen in the Gospel of Mark. Good stuff fro the Center for Faith and Giving (Disciples of Christ). (Photo by Alvanman, used by Creative Commons license)
Preaching on Money
Most pastors would rather preach on almost anything besides than finances and stewardship, but as the preaching pastor, you are the chief development officer for your church. Provocative words from Ministry Matters. (Photo by Sumos, via
Trends in Church Capital Campaigns
It’s not your grandfather’s world anymore, so why should your church expect your grandfather’s capital campaign to work? From ChurchExecuive here is a snappy rundown of seven trends that impact congregational capital campaigns. (Photo by Stephen Yeargin, used by Creative Commons license. Thanks!)
16 Ways to Increase Church Giving
Here are 16 great — yet simple — ideas that your congregation can take and run with. Number one should register a collective “Dugh”: Establish a stewardship committee. Check out the other 15, from the Anglican Diocese of Ottawa, Canada. (Photo by Lisafx, via
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