Earth Day, April 22, is only a weeks away! Start planning now to observe it with education, worship and hands-on activities. SOLI has compiled a number of great sites and resources to fit any context! (Photo: Aussiegal, Creative Commons)

61 Seminary Ridge, Gettysburg, PA 17325 (717) 334-6286
Rob Blezard is the website content editor for the Stewardship of Life Institute and serves as Pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Aberdeen, MD.
Earth Day, April 22, is only a weeks away! Start planning now to observe it with education, worship and hands-on activities. SOLI has compiled a number of great sites and resources to fit any context! (Photo: Aussiegal, Creative Commons)
Asking potential donors for contributions is not simply a matter of requesting funds; it’s about inspiring belief, instilling confidence, and sparking action. And it’s something every nonprofit leader needs to do. The “generosity genius’ explores how to go about it. (Photo: Creative Commons)
RCL reflection, 3rd Sunday in Lent, Year C. March 23, 2025. With all the turmoil going on in our country and the world, Lent offers us a perfect reason to slow down, take time to pray and “return to the Lord,” as Isaiah invites us to do. In doing so, we experience God’s abundance. Deacon Timothy Siburg explores. (Photo: Publicdomainpictures)
Wealth is important for upward economic mobility, allowing families to invest in their futures and their children’s futures, and to deal with financial bumps in the road. Data show persistent and wide gaps between rich and poor. The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis reports.
By Center for Stewardship Leaders at Luther Seminary Leave a Comment
This lesson uses pennies, the story of the Widow’s Mite or Offering and the classic story about “Stone Soup” to show how even a small gift when added to the gifts of others can provide abundantly for all. From Luther Seminary’s Center for Stewardship Leaders. (Photo: Creative Commons)
Health officials around the world are reporting a rise in sexually transmitted diseases across all age groups. For those who are sexually active with non-permanent partners, it’s important to learn the facts and take precautions. Harvard Health explains. (Image: Creative Commons)
RCL reflection, 2nd Sunday in Lent, Year C. March 16, 2025. Lent invites us to reflect on God’s unwavering commitment to care for us, even when we fail to trust in God’s care. This week’s readings illustrate the tension between divine protection and human reluctance to receive. The Rev. Micah Krey explores.
Many church leaders dread asking individual congregants for donations, but development experts say it’s essential. To help remove the nervousness, this article from The Episcopal Church Foundation offers these tips. (Photo by Christina Morillo from Pexels)
There’s no food fresher or more satisfying than what you grow and pick from your own garden. But for the beginner, the task of growing your own food can be overwhelming. Not to worry. The Old Farmer’s Almanac offers instructions. (USDA photo by Lance Cheung)
Consultant and author of “Decolonizing Wealth, Edgar Villaneuva encourages faith communities to revitalize the ways that they approach money, wealth and philanthropy. He shares ideas in this interview with Faith & Leadership. (Photo: Creative Commons)