“Do this in remembrance of me.”
He gave us a meal. At one of the hardest moments of his life, Jesus Christ gave us a meal.
We remember that meal in different ways, now, as His people. But wherever we tell His story, we tell the story of that meal. It is impossible to conceive of the ministry of Jesus Christ without it.
For too long, Christians have fought with each other about the meaning of the Last Supper. We’ve argued about how to observe Holy Communion.
We’ve put more energy into our disagreements than into our common faith:
That meal still matters.
It matters that Jesus ate not only with His friends, but also with the man who betrayed Him. It matters that He told us to remember Him around a table, eating together. It matters that He said we would find Him in bread and in wine.
When we eat, we acknowledge our complete dependence on God. We recognize our mutual dependence with all Creation.
We didn’t create the seeds or the soil or the beasts of the field. They are God’s handiwork. And so are we. Every human soul.
God uses food to remind us that – though we are made in the image of God – we are not God.
We say grace before meals to help us remember: We are the Creation, not the Creator. We are dust, and to dust we shall return; God only is immortal.
Our role is to glorify God with our days – to glorify God with our work, with our rest, with our worship.
With our meals.
As Christ’s disciples, we practice what He taught us.
We remember the loaves and fish that fed the multitude, and we seek good food for all.
We remember the parable of the weeds and the wheat, and we seek lives that bear fruit for God’s reign.
We remember that through Him all things were made. We seek ways to live wisely on the good earth, that generations yet to come may still give Him thanks for their lives.
Welcome to the Christian food movement.
The wider food movement has grown into a significant force in policy and culture over the past two decades. Christians have been quietly participating all along. But as more new ministries incorporating food and agriculture begin, the need has become urgent for us to find one another.
We need to learn from each other. We need to pray for each other. We need to listen together for what God would have us do.
That’s the purpose of this site. It is dedicated to the glory of God and the welfare of God’s creation.
In the name of Christ who said, “I was a stranger, and you welcomed me,” you are invited to enter in.
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